Brandon Boyd LMP
Our health is dear to us, obtaining it should not cost us dearly.
What is Lomilomi

Hawaii world view is that we are the sum of our parts, and this is reflected in the language of Hawai'i. Words in Hawai’i are built from parts that each have their own meaning. For example; Aloha means love and is used in greeting and in farewell. It is made up of A-divinity, Alo-face or facing, Lo-conected, Oha-a joyful sharing, and Ha-breath.

Aloha is unconditional love, for it is the outpouring and receiving of the spirit. It is an expression of unconditional kindness, hospitality, spirituality, cooperativeness with humility, unity and graciousness that touches the souls of others.

Aloha also happens to be a acronym for the things that embody the Spirit Of Aloha.

Akahai - kindness expressed with tenderness
Lokahi - unity expressed with harmony
'Olu'Olu - agreeable expressed with pleasantness
Ha'aha'a - humility expressed with modesty
Ahanui - patience expressed with perseverance

Aloha means love, because it describes what love is. This acronym has become the standard I try to live by. And it is with this Spirit Of Aloha that lomilomi transcends massage and becomes healing.

Like the language, Hawai'i world view suggests that our physical selves are the manifestation of our thoughts and beliefs. Therefore any dysfunction or dis-ease comes from 'wrong thinking', being 'out of balance' or being out of 'right relationship'... This could be a relationship with others, relationship with ourselves or relationship with our environment. The pathway to health and wellness is therefore through making amends and getting right with our relationships.

There is an important concept in the Hawai'i called Ho'oponopono. . "Ho'o" (an action) "Pono" (right/harmony/ballance) "Pono pono" (a word repeated twice gives it a spiritual meaning) adding up to  'Ho'oponopono' - Making right, right, or as 'coming into right relationship'. Ho'oponopono is often thought of as a ritual for forgiveness, but it is also a reflection inward, to examine how you are partaking in any given situation. It is the acceptance that on some level you are creating the situation and "playing along". And through this reflection, we are able to realign ourselves to be in harmony and 'right relationship'.

By shining the light of awareness on our thinking and relationships we are able to heal and overcome any obstacle. Consider a Mango, we talk about the sour skin of the Mango, the candy sweet flesh of the Mango, and the woody hard seed of the Mango... but it is all Mango! The words of separation are just convenient ways to make distinctions, they are all part of the same.

Huna, a spiritual teaching of Hawai'i, gives us seven truths about life. Ike – Awareness - The world is what you think it is; Kala – Freedom - There are no limits; Makia – Focus - Now is the moment of power; Manawa – Presence - All power comes from within; Aloha – Love - To love is to be happy with; Mana – Power - Energy flows where attention goes; Pono – Harmony - Effectiveness is the measure of truth. It is with these truths in mind that lomilomi transcends "massage" and becomes healing. You could say lomilomi is massage integrated with energy work, a "laying of hands" (to mean there is a spiritual overtone), hypnosis and counseling. (We are like the Mango!)

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